Turn your moments together into

Chill & Connect Time

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7 Ways to Chill and Connect with Your Children

The Impact of Daily Micro-Connections with Your Children

Family entertainment without the work

Busy doesn’t even begin to describe the hectic – often overwhelming – life for parents with young children these days.

But with just a few moments each day, our engaging activities delivered online and via an app will get you connecting in ways you’ve never imagined.

Daily interactive entertainment and guidance that empowers you to
Bond, Learn, and Grow together!

Join our exclusive list of beta testers and be eligible for a FREE one-year subscription once we launch.

Please let us know your name and email address and we’ll send you more details before you commit.

Get Exclusive Access to our NEW App!

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Bonus: 7 Easy Mindset Shifts that Help You Bond Deeply with Your Child

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

EduTainmenTech for the Digitally Distracted Family

Created with support from these incubator programs & Montessori school

Sheridan College EDGE
Kaban Montessori

Kaban Montessori

Our creator Crystal shares about struggling to find quality time as a family

With modern day living being completely different from generations past, many of us become parents with little practical guidance in light of how things are today.

At least, that’s how life was for me and my husband when we became parents.

I was already extremely busy building my career with aspirations of eventually starting my own business when we took the advice we’d heard so many times before: “There’s no best time to have a baby. So just have a baby when (and if) it feels right.”

So before I knew it, I was a mother of 2 young precious people and I struggled to make quality time for them let alone myself.

I also lived in conflict with how the world would often make me feel I had to live my life. That is, one that still valued fierce competition, perceived learning as a luxury, and kids stuff being well, “kids stuff”.

This was not the world I wanted my kids to grow up in. So I committed to making a change.

But where to start? Life was so busy.

So I asked the experts: I asked my kids.

Our creator Crystal and family before baby brother joined them in 2016.

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What I discovered about one-on-one time with my kids

We’re taught that as adults, we need to model behaviour for our kids and it seems we often misinterpret this to mean we must be perfect human specimens for our children.

We live fearful we might mess them up for life if we do the wrong things in front of them.  We shield them from our true selves because we believe we need to shelter them. 

But what if letting them know us truly and deeply not only helps them be better prepared for the world but also lets them bond with us in ways many of us either wished we did with our own parents, or want for our own children, or both?

And there’s some magic I discovered when our second child was only 4. I would take her out for one-on-one time with me. Our time alone allowed her to shine, to not worry about competing for my attention with her older brother, and with reassurance that I was focused entirely on the two of us.

We created special shared experiences just for the two of us.

And the conversations flowed. And my little daughter became a mature friend before my eyes and we would laugh and share heart-to-heart talks. All from having time together and apart from the rest of the world.

What happens if you don’t and do spend quality bonding time with your kids…

Cite some research about poor outcomes in adulthood

We're creating engaging videos to prompt interactive bonding for your family

We spent hours on a rainy day connecting and folding stars together.
Mother of 7 year old

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You want more fun, entertaining activities to bond, learn and grow with your family.
We’d love to make sure we’re delivering on this promise.
Please let us know if you’re interested in joining our exclusive beta tester list and we’ll connect!

Check out our latest video created to generate awareness about what we do!

Click here for a sample of how we take this entertaining video and inspire families to create fun on their own!

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If you know of anyone else who would benefit from this, and who would love to be a beta tester, please do spread the word.